Launch new
proposition Binco

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A powerful launch of a new proposition

Our client DAK intermediairscollectief, a business containing over 1500 advisors, has come up with a new proposition, Binco. Financial advisors are priceless for a financially healthy Netherlands. They deserve the time and space to do their jobs as how they prefer to do them. Binco is the solution to all busy schedules, a personal assistant that does administrative work for you. It can range from managing your mailbox and diary to picking up the phone and preparatory work to processing insurance.


The challenge

Binco needed a recognisable visual identity to market it and make it well-known among financial advisors. The digital team and design team of SowiesoDigital got the request to create a logo and translate it into a fitting branding, which is suitable for the website, digital communication tools and documents.

Binco extensively researched the market to prepare itself. They defined brand strategy and USPs, formulated the customer needs, and prepared a clear why-how-what. They also chose the Jungian model: Binco wants to be a ‘hero brand’. Combative, leading, provocative and appealing. The desired hero look asked for a power logo, bold colours and powerful images. We used these ingredients from the brand strategy as inspiration for our proposals.

The result

We created a logo that impacts even without branding colours, suits the core of the brand and shows what the brand represents. We looked for a word image consisting of the word ‘Binco’, a visually recognisable element and several prominent colours. Starting points were: Bold – Powerful – Challenging – Competitive – Supportive – Balance & quality. The client chose their logo from multiple proposals that had little different emphases. This logo was then further developed into a brand identity. Besides the logo, colour palette and typography, we also applied the brand identity to a design for letter paper, business cards and a Powerpoint template.

After we finished the brand identity, we translated this into a web design. The primary goal of the website is to inform the potential target audience about the services Binco offers and convince interested financial advisors to contact Binco. Visually, the brand identity of Binco can be found in the colour and font choices. SowiesoDigital built the entire website in WordPress. A significant advantage of WordPress is that the client can fill pages determined beforehand.

With that in mind, we developed the website with flexible content blocks. Think of different sorts of text blocks, a pricing block, a block containing reviews etc. Very user-friendly.

In addition, a WordPress website is easy to keep up-to-date. A client can build new pages himself with these content blocks or adjust/expand existing pages by placing or adding other content blocks. These blocks automatically get the right look & feel and ‘just’ need to be filled with content. If desired, SowiesoDigital can also provide that content – ​​we do so for several customers already – but the customer can also work with the WordPress website themselves.

Services we used to realise this website


Or as they say themselves

Benjamin Henze

Communication manager at DAK

“For our new brand Binco, we were looking for a visual identity that conveys the hero feeling with a logo, brand identity and website that appeals to financial advisors. Together with the digital team of SowiesoDigital, we delivered a powerful brand on short notice. It is successful! Over 30 financial advisors found Binco and its services. We will continue the pleasant collaboration with the online team in coming projects, for example, renewing our website DAK.nl.”

Getting started with

As shown in the project for DAK/Binco, SowiesoDigital combines two types of expertise: their digital team & design team often develop brand identities to then translate them into websites. If you have a similar challenge, do not hesitate to contact us to see what we can do for you. Perhaps a WordPress website is something we can help with for your brand, organisation and content team.

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Web design Wireframes Functional design User Interface Design User Experience design Customer journey Personas
Website development API development Web applications E-learning Webshop
Hosting Website security Website maintenance Domain name registration Website analisys
Conversion Rate Optimisation Google Advertising Search Engine Optimalisation Email Marketing Data-Driven Marketing Inbound Marketing Account-based Marketing
Customer relationship management Content Marketing Copywriting A/B Testing Usability Testing Landingpage Optimalisation Loyalty Program