Conversion Rate Optimisation

Outsourcing Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) to SowiesoDigital

If you are talking about a website, you are talking about Conversion Rate Optimisation, in short, CRO. Conversion rate optimisation is almost always the main objective of a marketer.

At SowiesoDigital, we talk about CRO daily and research ways we can increase a client’s conversion rate. We do this by gaining the trust of your users, offering a user-friendly website, removing barriers that prevent conversion, and using solid and persuasive content.


What does Conversion Rate
Optimisation mean?

Let’s go back to basics. What is CRO?

A ‘conversion’ implies that a (potential) customer performs the action that you want them to perform. Think of filling in a contact form, downloading an eBook or making a purchase. Ideally, you have a high conversion rate, which indicates that the ratio between customers that performed the desired action is high.

An example: if you get 2000 visitors a month and receive 20 requests for quotations, you then have a conversion rate of 1%. CRO is all about increasing this percentage.

If you want to achieve a high conversion rate, all the conditions on your website (and outside your website!) should be proper. Do you know how to attract users? Is the copy a good reading? Is your website visually appealing? Is the UI design logical, and does the visitor know how to navigate the website? In other words, is the entry barrier low enough for the visitor to convert?

That is what conversion rate optimisation is all about.



Different types of conversions

Within the world of conversion, there are two types of conversions: micro and macro. Both are important to conversion rate optimisation.

What are Micro Conversions?

Micro conversions are the first steps the user takes towards the desired goal. Think of:

  • Subscribing to the newsletter
  • Watching a video
  • Downloading an eBook
  • Creating an account
  • Et cetera.

These are all significant steps in the process towards, for example, a purchase.

What are Macro Conversions?

The definition of a macro conversion depends on your goal(s). Do you aim to receive 200 quotations per month? Then one quotation request is a macro conversion. That sole quotation request contributes to your goal (KPI) of 200 quotations per month. Other examples are:

  • Making a purchase via the webshop
  • Submitting an application letter
  • Making an appointment
  • Et cetera

The micro conversions will eventually lead to macro conversions. Both micro and macro conversions play a role within CRO and should receive attention.

Why is Conversion Rate Optimisation important?

We can be very brief about that. Conversion rate optimisation helps you get the most out of your website and its users. It means that you must have good findability, for example, by means of Search Engine Optimisation and Search Engine Advertising. The findability shows internet users you exist and are worth checking out.

Nevertheless, everything on your website must contribute to the user performing the one conversion you desire. Copy, web design and data-driven marketing play a significant role in this.

To accomplish that conversion, you need a great CRO strategy. Has your website not got a CRO strategy yet, or are you in doubt whether you are getting the most out of your conversion potential? Our team of CRO experts is keen to advise you in a non-binding conversation.

How do you achieve an optimal conversion?

The key question! As stated above, different elements play a role within CRO. A solid strategy is essential. At SowiesoDigital, we focus on four elements that significantly contribute to a high conversion rate:

1. Gaining the user’s trust
When a user does not fully trust your product or service, they will quickly vanish. Hence it is crucial to add trust-building elements to your website, such as certifications, reviews, testimonials, team photos, et cetera. This reassures users and makes them trust you.

2. We provide a user-friendly website
There is nothing more frustrating than a website that malfunctions or shows errors. Your website should be easy to use and work flawlessly. Web design plays a significant role in this.

3. We get rid of barriers and obstacles
Your potential customer can have doubts regarding your service or product. For example, if you charge shipping costs. These doubts cause barriers in the purchase process. It is essential to remove those barriers, making sure nothing prevents a customer from converting.

4. We convince the user of the product or service
The users are just ordinary people. So, there are various psychological tricks to persuade them to make a purchase. Think of principles such as authority, sympathy, scarcity or social proof. By effectively deploying these principles, we can influence the users’ decision behaviour.

Test, test and test again!

You may already have figured it out; you can see conversion rate optimisation as a puzzle. The essential elements are clear, but how those different pieces fit together on the website to convince the user is not definite. Hence, it is crucial to test the results of specific elements or content continuously. Think of:

A/B Testing
A/B testing consists of creating two (or more) groups of users. One group will see content in an x-form, whereas the other will see content in a y-form. You can determine which content gives the best result by measuring data, such as the click rate or the time users stay on a page.

Usability Testing
Usability, or user-friendliness, is a significant part of your website. How efficiently and effectively can your users navigate your website? And how satisfied are they with your website? You let the people that try a website, application, or prototype perform a usability test. While testing, they tell you about their experience. Their experience is valuable, as you can gather some concrete action points that will help you improve the user experience.

Multivariate Testing
There are so many variables on your website that you can test! For example, call-to-actions: you can change their colour, text or location. Possibilities include adjusting their colours, visuals, texts, font types, et cetera. They are endless. By setting up clever tests, you will learn what does work for your users and what does not.

Getting started with

Want to know how we can optimise your conversion rate? Contact us for a non-binding and free consultation!

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Conversion Rate Optimisation Google Advertising Search Engine Optimalisation Email Marketing Data-Driven Marketing Inbound Marketing Account-based Marketing
Customer relationship management Content Marketing Copywriting A/B Testing Usability Testing Landingpage Optimalisation Loyalty Program