LTO Bedrijven

WordPress platform and WooCommerce shop

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purchase volume



Member benefits for all sectors via WordPress platform and WooCommerce webshop

LTO stands for Land- en Tuinbouworganisatie, the Dutch Agricultural and Horticultural organisation translation. LTO Nederland is the major entrepreneurial organisation for Dutch farmers and horticulturists. All commercial activities and interests fall under LTO Bedrijven. They are the connecting factor between the agricultural sector and the market. And they look after the interests of 35,000 members. They strive to let every member profit from the advantages that LTO offers. So, it is vital to set up the platform as well as possible on supply and demand. Approachable, consisting of the right content and commercially compelling.


The challenge

By buying products and services in bulk and giving transparent advice, LTO offers all its members – in the affiliated sectors – tangible added value. These sectors are very diverse. Ranging from cattle farming, arable farming, pig farming, laying hens, and broilers to greenhouse horticulture. From mushrooms, open field vegetables, fruit cultivation, flower bulbs, and tree nursery to veal, sheep, goat and horse farming.

From multifunctional agriculture, and flower wholesale to breeding and propagation. And as diverse as the members are, so are the member benefits LTO organises and facilitates: energy, services, safety, management, mobility, insurance, telecom & IT and other affairs. In short, a wide range of products for many different target audiences.

The most important question of LTO, and remaining relevant to their organisation every day: How do we draw attention to these member benefits in a targeted and effective way?


The solution

It will not come as a surprise that the solution of our digital team also consists of multiple elements. And yet clarity for all users (both LTO Bedrijven themselves and its members) is the emphasis. Accessibility, a high degree of user-friendliness and effectiveness will remain criteria through every step that has been taken and will be taken. What is on the platform at this moment?

The LTO Ledenvoordeel platform was developed 8 years ago and is continuously optimised by using a constant analysis (what works commercially and what does not work?). There are weakly updates to keep the website up-to-date and to allow us to keep re-using the learnings to optimise ‘on the go’. The platform has been developed in WordPress, so there is a solid foundation for (marketing)employees to place content themselves pretty easily. This can be relevant information, but also a tool that helps members. For example, the clever benefit calculator is a significant part of the platform.

It automatically calculates your benefit based on a profile (member or not), zip code, sector and business size. You can also modify the starting points for the calculation based on your preferences as a member. In addition, the platform has a WooCommerce webshop.

The choice for WooCommerce comes from the fact that it is a good fit with WordPress and allows for advanced links with product suppliers. The website contains numerous user and search engine-optimised landing pages to offer exclusive products and services on the platform.

For this project, we delivered the following services


The result

Successful in its simplicity, or rather: through its simplicity. The member benefits platform for LTO Bedrijven is an easily manageable website for (marketing)employees of LTO and can effortlessly communicate sector- and service-oriented member benefits. The figures show that it is also popular with the members: since designing the platform, and the clear communication about the various benefits that LTO offers its members, the sales of products and services have increased significantly.


Or as LTO Bedrijven says themselves

Michiel Loman

Web development LTO Bedrijven

“SowiesoDigital always succeeds in smoothly translating our wishes into user-friendly online tools and websites. Cooperating with SowiesoDigital is not only pleasant because of the short lines of communication, but also gives our organisation a real competitive advantage. There is no need for extensive briefings, but the focus is on actively cooperating from the start via a personal focal point. In the development, we aim to get a complete understanding of our customers’ profiles and proactively look at how we can get the most out of our campaigns. This gives us confidence and a reason to keep working with SowiesoDigital in the future.”

Getting started with

A commercial solid platform is, of course, not only interesting for LTO Bedrijven, maybe your brand of business could use it as well? We are keen to discover how a WordPress website like that (with or without extra tools like the WooCommerce webshop) would work and pay off for you. Want to discuss this further soon?

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Web design Wireframes Functional design User Interface Design User Experience design Customer journey Personas
Website development API development Web applications E-learning Webshop
Hosting Website security Website maintenance Domain name registration Website analisys
Conversion Rate Optimisation Google Advertising Search Engine Optimalisation Email Marketing Data-Driven Marketing Inbound Marketing Account-based Marketing
Customer relationship management Content Marketing Copywriting A/B Testing Usability Testing Landingpage Optimalisation Loyalty Program